Source code for skll.metrics

# License: BSD 3 clause
Metrics that can be used to evaluate the performance of learners.

:author: Nitin Madnani (
:author: Michael Heilman (
:author: Dan Blanchard (
:organization: ETS

import copy
import sys
from importlib import import_module
from inspect import signature
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import kendalltau, pearsonr, spearmanr
from sklearn.metrics import (

from skll.types import PathOrStr

[docs] def kappa( y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray, weights: Optional[Union[str, np.ndarray]] = None, allow_off_by_one: bool = False, ) -> float: """ Calculate the kappa inter-rater agreement. The agreement is calculated between the gold standard and the predicted ratings. Potential values range from -1 (representing complete disagreement) to 1 (representing complete agreement). A kappa value of 0 is expected if all agreement is due to chance. In the course of calculating kappa, all items in ``y_true`` and ``y_pred`` will first be converted to floats and then rounded to integers. It is assumed that y_true and y_pred contain the complete range of possible ratings. This function contains a combination of code from yorchopolis's kappa-stats and Ben Hamner's Metrics projects on Github. Parameters ---------- y_true : numpy.ndarray The true/actual/gold labels for the data. y_pred : numpy.ndarray The predicted/observed labels for the data. weights : Optional[Union[str, numpy.ndarray]], default=None Specifies the weight matrix for the calculation. Possible values are: ``None`` (unweighted-kappa), ``"quadratic"`` (quadratically weighted kappa), ``"linear"`` (linearly weighted kappa), and a two-dimensional numpy array (a custom matrix of weights). Each weight in this array corresponds to the :math:`w_{ij}` values in the Wikipedia description of how to calculate weighted Cohen's kappa. allow_off_by_one : bool, default=False If true, ratings that are off by one are counted as equal, and all other differences are reduced by one. For example, 1 and 2 will be considered to be equal, whereas 1 and 3 will have a difference of 1 for when building the weights matrix. Returns ------- float The weighted or unweighted kappa score. Raises ------ AssertionError If ``y_true`` != ``y_pred``. ValueError If labels cannot be converted to int. ValueError If invalid weight scheme. """ # Ensure that the lists are both the same length assert len(y_true) == len(y_pred) # This rather crazy looking typecast is intended to work as follows: # If an input is an int, the operations will have no effect. # If it is a float, it will be rounded and then converted to an int # because the ml_metrics package requires ints. # If it is a str like "1", then it will be converted to a (rounded) int. # If it is a str that can't be typecast, then the user is # given a hopefully useful error message. try: y_true = np.array([int(np.round(float(y))) for y in y_true]) y_pred = np.array([int(np.round(float(y))) for y in y_pred]) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "For kappa, the labels should be integers or strings" " that can be converted to ints (E.g., '4.0' or " "'3')." ) # Figure out normalized expected values min_rating = min(min(y_true), min(y_pred)) max_rating = max(max(y_true), max(y_pred)) # shift the values so that the lowest value is 0 # (to support scales that include negative values) y_true = y_true - min_rating y_pred = y_pred - min_rating # Build the observed/confusion matrix num_ratings = max_rating - min_rating + 1 observed = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels=list(range(num_ratings))) num_scored_items = float(len(y_true)) # Build weight array if weren't passed one if isinstance(weights, str): wt_scheme = weights weights = None else: wt_scheme = "" if weights is None: kappa_weights = np.empty((num_ratings, num_ratings)) for i in range(num_ratings): for j in range(num_ratings): diff = abs(i - j) if allow_off_by_one and diff: diff -= 1 if wt_scheme == "linear": kappa_weights[i, j] = diff elif wt_scheme == "quadratic": kappa_weights[i, j] = diff**2 elif not wt_scheme: # unweighted kappa_weights[i, j] = bool(diff) else: raise ValueError("Invalid weight scheme specified for " f"kappa: {wt_scheme}") else: kappa_weights = weights hist_true: np.ndarray = np.bincount(y_true, minlength=num_ratings) hist_true = hist_true[:num_ratings] / num_scored_items hist_pred: np.ndarray = np.bincount(y_pred, minlength=num_ratings) hist_pred = hist_pred[:num_ratings] / num_scored_items expected = np.outer(hist_true, hist_pred) # Normalize observed array observed = observed / num_scored_items # If all weights are zero, that means no disagreements matter. k = 1.0 if np.count_nonzero(kappa_weights): observed_sum = np.sum(kappa_weights * observed) expected_sum = np.sum(kappa_weights * expected) k -= np.sum(observed_sum) / np.sum(expected_sum) return k
[docs] def correlation(y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray, corr_type: str = "pearson") -> float: """ Calculate given correlation type between ``y_true`` and ``y_pred``. ``y_pred`` can be multi-dimensional. If ``y_pred`` is 1-dimensional, it may either contain probabilities, most-likely classification labels, or regressor predictions. In that case, we simply return the correlation between ``y_true`` and ``y_pred``. If ``y_pred`` is multi-dimensional, it contains probabilties for multiple classes in which case, we infer the most likely labels and then compute the correlation between those and ``y_true``. Parameters ---------- y_true : numpy.ndarray The true/actual/gold labels for the data. y_pred : numpy.ndarray The predicted/observed labels for the data. corr_type : str, default="pearson" Which type of correlation to compute. Possible choices are "pearson", "spearman", and "kendall_tau". Returns ------- float correlation value if well-defined, else 0.0 """ # get the correlation function to use based on the given type corr_func = pearsonr if corr_type == "spearman": corr_func = spearmanr elif corr_type == "kendall_tau": corr_func = kendalltau # convert to numpy array in case we are passed a list y_pred = np.array(y_pred) # multi-dimensional -> probability array -> get label if y_pred.ndim > 1: labels = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1) ret_score = corr_func(y_true, labels)[0] # 1-dimensional -> probabilities/labels -> use as is else: ret_score = corr_func(y_true, y_pred)[0] return ret_score
[docs] def f1_score_least_frequent(y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Calculate F1 score of the least frequent label/class. Parameters ---------- y_true : numpy.ndarray The true/actual/gold labels for the data. y_pred : numpy.ndarray The predicted/observed labels for the data. Returns ------- float F1 score of the least frequent label. """ least_frequent = np.bincount(y_true).argmin() return f1_score(y_true, y_pred, average=None)[least_frequent]
[docs] def register_custom_metric(custom_metric_path: PathOrStr, custom_metric_name: str): """ Import, load, and register the custom metric function from the given path. Parameters ---------- custom_metric_path : :class:`skll.types.PathOrStr` The path to a custom metric. custom_metric_name : str The name of the custom metric function to load. This function must take only two array-like arguments: the true labels and the predictions, in that order. Raises ------ ValueError If the custom metric path does not end in '.py'. NameError If the name of the custom metric file conflicts with an already existing attribute in ``skll.metrics`` or if the custom metric name conflicts with a scikit-learn or SKLL metric. """ if not custom_metric_path: raise ValueError( f"custom metric path was not set and " f"metric {custom_metric_name} was not found." ) custom_metric_path = Path(custom_metric_path) if not custom_metric_path.exists(): raise ValueError(f"custom metric path '{custom_metric_path}' " f"does not exist.") if custom_metric_path.suffix != ".py": raise ValueError( f"custom metric path must end in .py, you specified " f"{custom_metric_path}" ) # get the name of the module containing the custom metric custom_metric_module_name = custom_metric_path.stem # once we know that the module name is okay, we need to make sure # that the metric function name is also okay if custom_metric_name in get_scorer_names() or custom_metric_name in _CUSTOM_METRICS: raise NameError( f"a metric called '{custom_metric_name}' already " f"exists; rename the metric function in " f"{custom_metric_module_name}.py and try again." ) # dynamically import the module unless we have already done it if custom_metric_module_name not in sys.modules: sys.path.append(str(custom_metric_path.resolve().parent)) metric_module = import_module(custom_metric_module_name) # this statement is only necessary so that if we end # up using multiprocessing parallelization backend, # things are serialized properly globals()[custom_metric_module_name] = metric_module # get the metric function from this imported module metric_func = getattr(sys.modules[custom_metric_module_name], custom_metric_name) # again, we need this for multiprocessing serialization metric_func.__module__ = f"skll.metrics.{custom_metric_module_name}" # extract any "special" keyword arguments from the metric function metric_func_parameters = signature(metric_func).parameters make_scorer_kwargs = {} for make_scorer_kwarg in ["greater_is_better", "response_method"]: if make_scorer_kwarg in metric_func_parameters: parameter = metric_func_parameters.get(make_scorer_kwarg) if parameter is not None: parameter_value = parameter.default make_scorer_kwargs.update({make_scorer_kwarg: parameter_value}) # make the scorer function with the extracted keyword arguments _CUSTOM_METRICS[f"{custom_metric_name}"] = make_scorer(metric_func, **make_scorer_kwargs) return metric_func
[docs] def use_score_func(func_name: str, y_true: np.ndarray, y_pred: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Call the given scoring function. This takes care of handling keyword arguments that were pre-specified when creating the scorer. This applies any sign-flipping that was specified by ``make_scorer()`` when the scorer was created. Parameters ---------- func_name : str The name of the objective function to use. y_true : numpy.ndarray The true/actual/gold labels for the data. y_pred : numpy.ndarray The predicted/observed labels for the data. Returns ------- float The scored result from the given scorer. """ try: scorer = get_scorer(func_name) except ValueError: scorer = _CUSTOM_METRICS[func_name] return scorer._sign * scorer._score_func(y_true, y_pred, **scorer._kwargs)
# a dictionary that maps pre-defined custom metric names to their scorer functions # this is a private variable only meant for internal use _PREDEFINED_CUSTOM_METRICS = { "f1_score_micro": make_scorer(f1_score, average="micro"), "f1_score_macro": make_scorer(f1_score, average="macro"), "f1_score_weighted": make_scorer(f1_score, average="weighted"), "f1_score_least_frequent": make_scorer(f1_score_least_frequent), "f05": make_scorer(fbeta_score, beta=0.5, average="binary"), "f05_score_micro": make_scorer(fbeta_score, beta=0.5, average="micro"), "f05_score_macro": make_scorer(fbeta_score, beta=0.5, average="macro"), "f05_score_weighted": make_scorer(fbeta_score, beta=0.5, average="weighted"), "pearson": make_scorer(correlation, corr_type="pearson"), "spearman": make_scorer(correlation, corr_type="spearman"), "kendall_tau": make_scorer(correlation, corr_type="kendall_tau"), "unweighted_kappa": make_scorer(kappa), "quadratic_weighted_kappa": make_scorer(kappa, weights="quadratic"), "linear_weighted_kappa": make_scorer(kappa, weights="linear"), "qwk_off_by_one": make_scorer(kappa, weights="quadratic", allow_off_by_one=True), "lwk_off_by_one": make_scorer(kappa, weights="linear", allow_off_by_one=True), "uwk_off_by_one": make_scorer(kappa, allow_off_by_one=True), } # now create a new dictionary that contains all of the above metrics but # will also contain any user-defined custom metrics _CUSTOM_METRICS = copy.deepcopy(_PREDEFINED_CUSTOM_METRICS)